Center of the Universe

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A friend posted the below video the other day — it was one of those perfectly framed ideas that spoke to something in my own life. It reminded me about a time in my life when I was controlled by anger and frustration; a time when I felt little compassion for others and missed out on precious moments of the human experience.

I hope you’ll make the time to watch. I also hope it might inspire us all to take a step back and consider that we are not the center of the universe. Awareness of our tendency to believe that we are can help us become more compassionate people.

Being compassionate doesn’t have to mean giving the homeless guy your spare change or donating canned-goods to a food drive. In it’s truest form, its curiosity toward other people’s story and understanding that they have value, just the same as you. Viewing the world through this lens doesn’t just help those around around us, it also makes us happier, more deeply satisfied people.

One response to “Center of the Universe

  1. Pingback: What does analytical scrutiny teach us about compassion? | The Unforgiving Minute·

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